Heather Lewis

Heather Lewis

My story begins in a small village in Essex, where I grew up believing in God, but did not have a personal knowledge of Him. As a family, we went to Sunday School in the chapel, and we were one of the few families whose parents came along to the service which followed. The Jesus I grew up with was “gentle Jesus, meek and mild”.
God was really on the side-lines of my life through late teens/early twenties, and I came to Harlow following my wedding. When my daughters were small I began to attend an Anglican church (some of you may remember St Michael’s church in by Fishers Hatch), and within me was the knowledge that I had been missing something in the years up till then. I didn’t know what to do about it though.
I went to church regularly with my daughters, and then we moved house, and started attending St Mary Magdalene Church in Potter Street. We also had links with a much more open and lively Christian group, and went to a Christian camp on holiday. So I was caught between the traditional Anglican type of service, and the kind of group which talked about “knowing Jesus as Lord” and “being saved”. I was also afraid of what God might ask me to do for Him! One night at a camp meeting I knew I had to finally respond to the call to give my life to God. I did that, but couldn’t see why He’d want me, what use could I be to Him? So my attitude was “Well, God, if you really want my life here I am”.
Nothing dramatically changed, but I just knew I’d done the right thing.
I had at that time no confidence to stand up for my faith, so I went quietly on with my life just trusting God.
Over the next 20 years there were gradual changes. I moved to a more informal church and under God’s direction began to pray with individuals, and to help lead a house group. I loved doing this, and became a teacher of new Christians for a while.   
I also went to various teaching courses on aspects of Christian life, and to Faith camp at Peterborough every year for some twenty-five years which was like being on the mountain top with Jesus for a week.  
The highlights of my walk with God over the years include clearly hearing Him at various times, seeing prayer for others and for myself answered, getting alongside and helping those who were struggling in their faith. No dramatic
happenings, just a knowledge that God would sort out a situation in the best way (not necessarily the way I’d asked for!).
Over the last few years I have been involved with prayer ministry and pastoral work in Freshwaters, which I sense is the fullness of what God has called me to.  
When I look back, I asked Jesus to come into my life it was with the attitude “I won’t be much good to you” and I often say that if I had been shown at that point where He would lead me I’d have run a mile in the other direction! But He is so gentle, He met me where I was and led me through life with Him in the way that was best for me.  
So just be who you are, allow God to work in you, and you’ll be amazed where He’ll take you!

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